Our mission to fight COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is the global health crisis, which has challenged different countries all around the world. Due to this reason, the need for medical supplies has been significantly increased. Considering this fact, Homa Trading Company has planed for its new mission in fighting with COVID-19.

Supporting Canada with importing medical supply

Homa Trading Company is monitoring the spread of the Corona COVID-19 to meet the medical requirements in Canada. In general, importing medical devices and healthcare supplies have many different challenges due to the complex legal and regulatory processes. But we are trying our best to do all the processes and provide required medical supplies for the country.

As one of the largest transports and logistic providers, we are aware of the current shortages in medical supplies such as masks and try to play a significant role in the distribution and meeting the needs of the pharmaceutical industry. We also utilize our strength to provide and import medical supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic and use our secure additional capacity as needed and available.

Our plan to fight with COVID-19

We have also remained committed to providing the best and the most secure services during this crisis for our customers. We understand our customers’ concerns about COVID-19 and will follow the guidelines provided concerning pick-up, handling, and delivery of goods. To this end, we have taken several preventive measures to protect the health and well-being of our customers:

  • All Homa agents are provided with security and healthcare equipment to protect themselves and not to be infected.
  • We have also instructed our agents to keep 1 m distance from others and avoid direct human contact.
  • We have provided the needed disinfectant for our agents and encouraged them to wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds.
  • All agents and employees in Homa are strictly instructed to stay home if any sign of sickness appears.
  • Homa Has separated trucks and drivers from red zones to protect other drivers and agents.
  • We also advise our red zone drivers to stay in their vehicles and avoid contact with people.
  • With our intelligent system, we avoid manually exchange of transport documents by using electronic solutions.
  • Hygiene standards have been significantly improved at all segments.
  • We always care about customers’ safety and security. The shipment process is assessed carefully by a knowledgeable team of experts.

The situation of COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, but Homa is ready for all the challenges ahead and stays committed to reducing the potential impact on customers.

All the agents and staff in Homa Trading are trying their best to reduce the spread of the virus within our business. We have also concentrated on providing the necessary medical supply to help all our people in Canada. With taking all the required measures, we wish to assist public health authorities in fighting Coronavirus.